The Office of the General Counsel (OGC) of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) recently released another advice memorandum providing enforcement guidance on employer social media policies. This time, the OGC reviewed a company social medial policy which required employees
November 2014
Proving the authenticity of a digital account at trial: a lesson from the second circuit

While certain state legislatures may be getting closer to understanding digital assets and digital accounts in trusts and estates, using digital assets and digital accounts as evidence in the federal court system remains a murkier proposition.
In United States …
Facebook blocks Facemba
In September, we blogged on the successful opposition by Facebook to a trade mark registration in Australia for ‘Friendbook’. Facebook has had further success in the Australian Trade Marks Office, protecting their brand through a successful opposition to an international…
Pre-suit discovery on social media

A Kings County, New York court has held that a plaintiff may obtain social media information (such as another’s user information and evidence posted through social media) as part of pre-suit discovery under New York law. This decision could have…
What does LinkedIn’s updated privacy policy mean for you?

You are responsible for your information. It is important to understand how your information is being used.
LinkedIn updated their privacy policy and user agreement on October 23, 2014. It is easier to read and understand in comparison to earlier…